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Onward! 2018
Wed 7 - Thu 8 November 2018 Boston, Massachusetts, United States
co-located with SPLASH 2018
Christos Kotselidis

Registered user since Wed 5 Apr 2017

Name:Christos Kotselidis

Christos Kotselidis is a Lecturer (Assistant Prof.) at the University of Manchester working on hardware/software co-designed Virtual Machines. Prior to joining the University of Manchester, he worked as a Principal Member of Technical Staff at Oracle Labs and as a Senior Research Scientist at Intel Labs in the areas of chip design, micro-architecture research, hw/sw co-designed CPUs, Compilers, Virtual Machines and Garbage Collection.

Country:United Kingdom
Affiliation:The University of Manchester
Research interests:Virtual Machines, Compilers, HW/SW Co-design, Micro-architecture, Garbage Collection, Heterogeneous Computing, Reliability


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