Registered user since Wed 25 Jul 2018
Jérôme Hugues is associate professor at the Complex Systems Engineering Department (DISC) of the Institute for Space and Aeronautics Engineering (ISAE) in Toulouse. He holds an “Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches” (2017), a PhD (2005) and engineering degree (2002) from Telecom ParisTech.
At ISAE, he is responsible of several real-time systems course. He is co-head of the Computer Science Major at ISAE, and of the Embedded Systems Master (SM EMS) program at ENSEEIHT and ISAE.
His research interests are focused on software architecture to support the design of complex software-based real-time and embedded systems ; and programming languages and artifacts to support them.
He is a member of the SAE AS-2C committee working on the definition of the AADL architecture description language to assist the designer in various stages of its design : formal verification, dimensioning down to code generation. He is the main author of two annexes document for AADLv2, and a reviewer of the AADLv2 core document, and associated annexes. He leads the development of the Ocarina toolchain, a compiler for AADL.
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